Entering a dog to our group show in Killeri,
Jyväskylä 15.9.2024
When entering before 31.7.2024
1st dog 35 €
same owner's 2nd and so on dogs 30 €
puppies (from 7 to 9 months) and veterans (over 8 years) 30 €
veterans over 10 yrs (in veteran class) 15 €
When entering before 25.8.2024
1st dog 38 €
same owner's 2nd and so on dogs 35 €
puppies (from 7 to 9 months) and veterans (over 8 years) 33 €
veterans over 10 yrs (in veteran class) 20 €
When entering between 26.8.-1.9.2024
Every dog 48 €, puppies and veterans 43 €
To enter in championclass a championship certificate is needed, to enter in working class a wcc (working class certificate) with information of trial results is needed. If mentioned certificates are missing, the dog will be automatically entered in "Open Class".
Cropped and docked dogs
Cropped and docked dogs born after 1.1.2001 are not allowed to participate shows held in Finland.
Vaccination instructions for the Show
The show is subject to the vaccination directions approved by the Finnish Kennel Club.
The organizers are obliged to inspect vaccination certificates for all dogs taking part. All dogs participating in the Show or trials must have a valid certificate of vaccination against distemper and rabies. Please, check the custom regulations for importing dogs to Finland. Check also your own country's regulations when turning back.
See importation requirements to Finland from Ruokavirasto website.
The Anti-Doping rules, approved by the Council of the Finnish Kennel Club (27.11.2005) have come into force on 1.1.2007. These rules concern all the shows, trials and tests approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. Visit also www.kennelliitto.fi for current information.
Show location:
Killerin Ravirata, Vesangantie 24, 40630 Jyväskylä